Policy Council
Citizen Action/Illinois’s Policy Council is a coalition of individual and organizational members who collaborate with our organization and board of directors to advance progressive politics and policies in the state. The Council comprises experts from diverse backgrounds, including labor, grassroots organizers, issue-area specialists, and elected officials, who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to Citizen Action Illinois’s advocacy and electoral efforts.
The Policy Council plays a critical role in supporting Citizen Action Illinois’s mission by reviewing and making recommendations on policy proposals, providing strategic input on issue campaigns, shaping the organization’s long-term goals, and (for members not representing 501-c3 organizations) determining candidate endorsements.
Organizational Affiliates
Access Living
AFSCME – Council 31
AFSCME Retirees Chapter 31
Amalgamated Transit Union #241
Amalgamated Transit Union Joint Conference
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 308
Chicago Federation of Labor
Chicago Teachers Union
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Communication Workers of America
Environmental Law & Policy Center
Equality Illinois
Illinois AFL-CIO
Illinois Alliance for Retired Americans
Illinois Coalition for Imm. and Refugee Rights
Illinois Dem County Chairs Association
Illinois Education Association
Illinois Environmental Council
Illinois Federation of Teachers
Illinois Nurses Association
NAACP Peoria Branch
NASW, Illinois Chapter
Personal PAC
Planned Parenthood of Illinois
Rainbow-PUSH Coalition
SEIU Healthcare Illinois/Indiana
SEIU Illinois Local 1
UFCW Local 881
University Professionals of Illinois Local 4100
Individual Members
Clem Balanoff, Amalgamated Transit Union
Deborah Cosey Lane
Danny Davis, US Representative IL-07
Dr. Anthony Douglas
David Borris, Main Street Alliance
David Orr, Ret. Cook County Clerk
Doug House
Greg Harris, Ret. Illinois State House
Ben Head
Jackie Kendall
Jan Schakowsky, U.S. Representative IL-09
John Bouman, Ret. Shriver Center on Poverty Law
John Cameron, AFSCME Retirees
John Peller, AIDS Foundation of Chicago
Kevin Conlon, Conlon Public Strategies
Larry Rogers, Jr., Power Rogers & Smith, P.C.
Linda Tyson, Public Action Foundation
Luis Rivas, Illinois State Association of Letter Carriers
Melinda Bush, Ret. Illinois State Senate
Michael Halpin, Illinois State Senate
Mitch Vogel, Ret. University Professionals of Illinois Local 4100
Nancy Hanson, Ret. National Association of Social Workers
Omar Aquino, Illinois State Senate
Patrick Keenan-Devlin, James B. Moran Center for Youth Advocacy
Peter Giangreco, The Strategy Group
Ralph Martire, Center for Tax & Budget Accountability
Theresa Mah, Illinois State House
William McNary, Ret. Citizen Action/Illinois